Yeah, I know I said I'd post them Sunday and it's Monday. Things happen.
Anyway, we all watched closely to see how our predictions would turn out, and as proof that I didn't unduly influence the outcome, I should point out that I came in tenth place, after some far more astute fans.
Before I get to the actual lists, a word on how results were calculated. Obviously, everyone wanted their picks to be right, but to make things interesting, I awarded more points for correct predictions when they really came from left field. Let's be honest: there were some characters in this show who we already knew were dead (wo)men walking, and it wouldn't have been fun to see a ten-way tie with the same names on every list.
So. Every dead body was worth 100 points. Those points were divided up amongst everyone who had predicted that character's death. For example, five people said that Tory had to go. When she finally did, she awarded each of them 20 points. The more people on your list died, and the more unique your choices were, the better you did.
I counted eight dead characters when all was said and done. Here they are, with their respective point values:
Boomer: 5.88
Cavil: 6.25
Racetrack: 50
Laura Roslin: 5.26
Sam Anders: 14.28
Skulls: 100*
Tory Foster: 20
Starbuck: 16.66
Now, I'm gonna take some heat on that last one. That's fine. She's dead; start mourning. Skulls gets the asterisk because he's the only one who died who wasn't on anyone's list.
Winners & Losers
The winner, who got all five on her list correct, is Wendy, who called on Laura Roslin, Sam Anders, Boomer, Cavil and Racetrack. Wendy scored 81.68.
Rounding out our final five, in order:
Sarah (Seelix, Racetrack, Caprica Six, Hera, Galen Tyrol): 50
Cesia (Galen Tyrol, Tory, Starbuck, Jeanne, Gaius Baltar): 36.66
Scott (Laura Roslin, Saul Tigh, Ellen Tigh, Starbuck, Sam Anders): 36.21
Steve (Sam Anders, Cavil, Laura Roslin, Boomer, Saul Tigh): 31.68
The numbers paint an interesting picture. The whole episode's body count was lower than expected, so scores were low all around. But Wendy, getting all five of her predictions right, still scored under 100; meanwhile, not a single person picked Skulls - even the two who picked Racetrack, who was always in the same ship as Skulls. So if someone had picked Skulls and gotten every other name on their list wrong, they'd have taken first place.
Personally, I'd have picked them both if I was gonna pick one...but then, the top two both had Racetrack and not Skulls, so I'm not one to talk.
Honorable Mentions
An A for effort in terms of gaming the system goes to Ben, who picked such notables as Hoshi, Nurse Ishay, "the specialist who wouldn't strip the launchers," "Nowart (the Marine who Adama overpowered in the mutiny)" and "The doughy Marine volunteering on his left." According to Ben, he assumed the Galactica was going down with all hands aboard, so he wanted to pick the names he most thought no one else would have...or the characters, at least, since two of them didn't even have names.
Karin and Rich Jr. were the only two to pick characters who were already dead for their lists: D'Anna Biers and Dualla, respectively. Karin gets a bit of a pass, since it wasn't entirely clear that D'Anna still meant to stay on (old) Earth after they found it nuked, but the general consensus is that she did and died. Rich Jr. just hadn't seen many of the past episodes and/or forgot Dualla was already dead. He also had the only non-human, non-Cylon entry, Jake (Romo Lampkin's dog).
Final honorable mention goes to Scott, even though he was already mentioned, he specified "Starbuck is already dead," so he gets extra mention for accuracy.
Bonus Round
The Bonus Round asked what scene you wanted to see in the finale, even though you knew it wasn't going to happen. As expected, submissions ranged from the romantic/sexual:
"I'd like to see Apollo and Starbuck finally get their acts together and go make some babies."
"Kara and Lee finally get together (yeah, right)"
"Starbuck and Lee kiss."
"Starbuck and Apollo get married."
"Lee and Starbuck romantic reunion OR Tom Zarek returns as a cylon."
"Boomer on Boomer."
To the hate-filled:
"Lee dies."
"I'd love to see Laura Roslin airlock Tory. Then retrieve her body and do it again."
"Lee Adama dies. For the love of gods why the frak is this guy still relevant (aside from the fact that he occasionally fraks Starbuck)?"
To the unbearably nerdy:
"Baltar has obtained an arsenal and hasn't done anything with them yet. I want him to come in and save the day like when Han Solo was counted out in Star Wars Ep IV and came back and shot Darth Vader away "You're all clear kid, let's blow this thing and go home!!!""
"Galactica finds the Death Star in a galaxy far far away and crashes because the Cylons sabotaged their manuevering systems, thereby destroying both Galactica and the Death Star. This scene should include a cameo by Grand Moff Tarkin(as he is consumed by the explosion) and Mr. T."
To the just plain strange:
"I've said it before, I'll say it again. They rescue Hera and when Roslin is brought face to face with her, she grabs the little one and sinks her teeth into the girls neck, thus being replenished by the human/cylon hybrid's blood. With her cancer now cured again, she shall return to her iron-fisted rule of throwing people that piss her off out of the airlock."
"The all-singing, all-dancing, all-fleet production of Gaius Baltar Superstar. Featuring "I Don't Know How To Love Him Because He Keeps Changing Jobs," "This Cylon Must Die," and "Could We Start Again, Please? No, Now Do Your Frakking Job.""
"I guess overall that would have to be where the final 5 just up and leave for now reason, Roslin sacrifices Hera to cure her cancer, a flashback reveals the it was really Roslin who gave away the defense codes, they randomly find a new planet, they are all eaten by a Grue, Kara learns what she really is when she goes all Phoenix and kills every human and cylon in existence, and we're left with cold dead lifeless space. This is then revealed to all be Caval's dream, and THAT is revealed to all be Baltar's dream, and THAT is revealed to all be Head 6's dream, and Head 6 is revealed to be the dream of the hologram Rimmer from Red Dwarf. It's a long scene."
My personal favorites, though:
"During the final battle, one last cavalry charge of Vipers heads out of Galactica with The Ride of the Valkyries at full volume." (The world cannot get enough Apocalypse Now)
"Someone saying "Hi" to Baltar's virtual Six and him realising that no-one being able to see her was just one huge practical joke being played on him."
"Roslin looking Baltar in the face and tell her that she's sorry for all the bullshit she's thrown his way." (Hey, Baltar was just misunderstood)
Well, that's it, folks. Tune in at the end of the next major sci-fi TV epic. I'm guessing it'll be sometime in 2012.